03 June 2008

Ode to Myself

I am not perfect:

I am too sensitive, I have too many lines on my hands (a fortune-teller's dream, I have been told), I am kind of a prude, my hair never does what its told, one foot is bigger than the other, my skin is temperamental at best, I cry at Hallmark commercials, I wear my heart on my sleeve (damn the consequences), I have a jagged scar on my upper right thigh, I fear worms and being left behind, I was a nightmare at 13; (sorry Mom) and not much better at 23 (forgive me, Mom?), I can be insecure about my looks, I compare myself to other people too much, I procrastinate, I never get enough sleep, one side of my tummy is rounder than the other, I love Legally Blonde, I'd rather read a mystery novel than something "serious," I am too affected by too many rainy days, I feel too sorry for myself when I am sick, I fall in love too hard, I complain too much about not having my ideal job, I would rather lounge than exercise, I would rather complain than do something about that part of my body I'm not happy with, I complain about being not tall enough, not having enough cleavage, I laugh during movies when no one else is, I don't call my father enough, I don't call my grandmother at all, I eat too much chips and dip, I don't eat enough vegetables, and sometimes I am not nice enough to myself.

I am not perfect:

But I am the best friend a person could have, I give up my seat on the bus to someone who needs it more than I do, I know when to say I'm sorry, I know when to be quiet, I will one day be the best and most loyal wife, a tireless mother; I know when someone needs to be alone, I am a dedicated worker, I am silly, I am not afraid to laugh too loud, love too much, cry when I need to, I have a great sense of humor, I am cuddly, I am determined, I am graceful, I am pleasantly irreverent, I rock a cowgirl hat or a cocktail dress, I have a killer smile, a strong body, I have good manners, I can out-sprint most challengers, I sing really well when I'm all alone, I have a good heart, good intentions, I am me: hazel-eyed, high-spirited, faulty, but whole.

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