Pardon me, sir....would you mind turning down your porn just a notch. Ok, I digress. The story began (once again)at my favorite local gawking ground, which goes unnamed in this entry;) Mom, Dad, cover your eyes!
One evening, I was quietly working on my laptop, enjoy a decaf latte...out of the corner of my eye, I noticed movement. So naturally I turned my head to follow my gaze. This unsuspecting girl was then assaulted with images unsavory enough to make my hair curl...oh wait, it already is...but, if possible, it curled even more. Because I like my blog to have as little offensive material as possible, I won't tell you what was streaming on the screen of this grey-haired, fifty-something, ponytail-wearing, ball Needless to say, my concentration for blogging was shot. I made like a baby and headed on out as soon as possible.
What people view on the internet in the privacy of their own space is entirely up to them. And while occasions like this one make great fodder for my blog, I don't care to be bombarded by streaming porn from a creepy stranger (or anyone, really). So memo to all would-be public porn viewers: keep it to yourself. It's really just that simple. Don't treat a public place like your own bedroom. And for a parting thought regarding this subject, all I gotta say is: ewwwwww. 'Nuf said.
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