25 December 2007

Crowning Glory

Only one subject could pull me out of hiding to write.....my hair. There is a cardinal rule when it comes to a woman and her hair: never make drastic alterations to one's hair in a time of great emotional stress. And I what did I do? I went out and got a massive haircut, the kind you should never get within close proximity to a break-up. But I ask you, what would you expect from a girl that doesn't follow protocol concerning pants-wearing in upscale salons?

I have had hair this short before, but it always cracks me up to see the response of the public at large concerning short hair on a woman. Some act like it's a personal affront, "Why did you cut your hair?" And then there is the classic look of horror: excuse me, could you please turn down the volume of your face?

Believe me, my haircut is an adjustment for me (and it's on my head). I admit that it's difficult to not have a curtain to hide behind.....the hair is, after all, a woman's ultimate accessory. Like many things in nature, however, hair grows. So in a few months time, my curls will be back where I started: large and in charge.

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