08 February 2005

On the Road Again...

Ok.....For those of you have been following the drama, it turns out that we did find another, better apartment than the one we got scheisted out of. So things eventually work out, right?! We can start moving on Feb 21st (just great that it happens to be a Monday....real useful!), and I have already started packing this past weekend. Dum da dum dum....now starts the dreaded task of throwing things out and packing the appropriate items into their neatly labeled boxes (argggghhh).

This is a milestone for me...this will be the first man I've ever lived with in a boyfriend capacity. I have many questions about how this is going to work. Such as: Will he ruin my sleep pattern when he comes in late at night from work? Which way does he prefer the toilet paper to hang? Does he squeeze the toothpaste from the middle or the end? And most importantly, will the answers to these questions annoy me?

I've got one thing to say about this living situation: thank God for the second bathroom!! I think we can all agree that we like privacy and not to be rushed when performing certain daily activities....We don't have to share EVERYTHING, for heaven's sake. Gotta keep the romance alive somehow, people!

Tune in Friday for an update on the life and times of yours truly. Until then, be well.

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