It really baffles me what someone would do for a chair (or four). What started out as a simple shopping trip, ended up as something far more sinister. We just wanted to get four little chairs with some padding on the seat for our Thanksgiving dinner.
The chairs in question were rudely snatched out of my friend's hand by a tall, fashionably dressed snake with flat hair and skinny arms. The best part is that because my friend is on the shorter side, this woman was able to lift the first two chairs right over her head. This is when she asked the offending party how many chairs she needed. The woman replied that she also needed four, and preceeded to take the remaining two without so much as backward glance.
We, the innocent shoppers, stood there with our mouths hang open. And yes, it was mine that the stream of comments and muttered insults came from. It was just that "hag" seemed like an appropriate comment at the time. The snake actually had the nerve to tell her companion (idly chatting on her cell) that she had taken the chairs away from "that woman." Her friend had the same reaction we did.
I forgot to mention that the coveted chairs were the last ones. As a result, we went up to the front to seek some assistance to discover that same lady already in line, looking guiltily over her shoulder. This was AFTER she lamely called out that she would go and "find some help" for us. Hah!
I am happy to report that there was a happy ending to this story, but not all might be so lucky. The sales associate that helped us found four matching chairs with padding on the seats AND the backs....for sale. Losers never win, or something like that. Beware holiday shoppers: make sure you have a firm grip on whatever you may be buying!